Solstice Beans

Happy Winter Solstice everyone! Time to get excited about the new year, still full of possibilities. Also, time to share the bounty of this year! Maybe there is someone in your life who you would like to give the gift of beans? Here is a list of some of my favorite bean merchants.

Rancho Gordo ( You all should remember Steve Sando from my second blog post. His beans are superior in flavor. I highly recommend the Royal Corona beans. However, his beans are on the pricey side.

Palouse Brand ( The Palouse in Eastern Washington is probably the most fertile place in the Pacific Northwest. It is home to National Lentil Festival, and is the largest producer of lentils in the USA.

Hummingbird Wholesale ( Hummingbird Wholesale sells delicious beans, many of which are grown in the Willamette Valley.

Camas Country Mill ( Camas Country Mill is part of the bean and grain revival that is happening in the Willamette Valley. For many years, the valley was covered with mills and canneries to process beans and grain (grown here). However, grass seed and cover crop seed are now king throughout much of the valley. Creating a sustainable local food system is the goal of the  Southern Willamette Valley Bean & Grain Project, and Camas Country Mill is a big part of this transformation. So support them!

Bob’s Red Mill ( Up in Milwaukee (Oregon), Bob’s Red Mill distributes beans from all over the nation.

Zursun Idaho Heirloom Beans ( purveyor of heirloom beans!

Happy Holidays!


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